News & Resources

We’re not the only ones excited about our plant.

Here’s what others are saying about us:

Cold? Turn Up the Garbage!

King County taps Methane Gas for Renewable Energy
“By partnering with Puget Sound Energy and Bio Energy-Washington, King County is fulfilling our commitment to a cleaner, greener future,” said King County Executive Ron Sims on April 6. “We are reducing carbon dioxide emissions roughly equal to taking 22,000 average passenger cars off the road each year, and we’re creating a valuable commodity from what was previously considered a useless byproduct.” Read More
Individuals do Make an Impact
Today, King County’s landfill gas is piped to a privately owned and operated on-site landfill gas-to-energy plant that scrubs it clean and processes it into pipeline quality natural gas that in turn provides the energy needs for roughly 24,000 homes every day. That means the garbage you throw away, which once contributed to King County’s carbon footprint, is now being converted into a clean energy that can power all the homes within a city the size of SeaTac – with energy to spare. Read More
County Announces Deal to Turn Trash into Cash
“King County is taking advantage of the emerging renewable energy market to turn landfill gasses into energy to power people’s homes and revenue for the county,” Councilman Larry Phillips, Environment and Transportation Committee chairman and a sponsor of the ordinance, said in a statement. “As one of the first and largest projects of this kind in the nation, we are demonstrating that reducing greenhouse gas emissions through innovation pays off.” Read More
King County, Puget Sound Energy, and Bio Energy Washington Join Forces on Waste to Energy Project
Kimberly Harris, executive vice president and chief resource officer for PSE, said, “We’re going to use the landfill gas to light people’s homes. This waste-to-energy project is an example of how we, as a society, can transform long-held practices into more environmentally sustainable actions.” Read More


Interested in other Green resources?

Bio Energy Washington is not the only organization committed to making a difference in the efforts to improve our environment. The links below are great resources and tools to help you reduce your carbon footprint in more ways than just utilizing green energy.

Puget Sound Energy
King County, Washington’s GreenTools
Built Green Washington

Bio Energy Washington

Bringing proven renewable energy technology and an industry-leading energy development partner to the greater Seattle area.